Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I have an appointment with Dr. Nathan on 2/10 and with Dr. MacDonald on 2/12. Hopefully they agree on a course of action and I will go with the one that feels best. For now I am researching ways that I can create an environment that is resistant to carcinogens and gives me the best chance to avoid future complications. IE a strong immune system.

You guys are awesome. I hope that I remember to pray for myself as much as you are praying for me. Please keep my wife in your prayers. She is a great woman, and has been through enough without me complicating things.

Be prepared for a weirder version of me, as I will be making a lot of changes (some of which will make a difference, some of which will not) in order to ensure that I stay here.

By the way, if this sounds a little goofy... I am on Dilantin, which in 4 days of use, I am convinced is the worst drug ever. Groogy and dizzy without the euphoric effects of alcohol.


Ashley Park said...

I whole heartedly believe Ryan in the grander scheme of things in treatment, not just the medical. I know it's why Jerad is still here and you will be too! Positive vibes ONLY! Oh and start eating lots and lots of berries :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,

I appreciate that medical science has confirmed what I have long suspected; that you do indeed have a brain. Some people were not so sure that you possessed one, but those long-skeptical nay-sayers have now finally been silenced.

Unfortunately, the same people that were once suspicious of any indication that something did in-fact occupy your cranial cavity, are now questioning the fuctionality of the synaptic gaps in your purported brain, given the latest development.

Perhaps, in rebuttal to your critics, we can now finally attribute your past outrageous behavior to something more concrete and understandable, such as a tumor, rather than having to keep defending you and providing excuses by saying "it's the alcohol", "it's his medication", or "that's just the way he is".

Our family can now throw off the shame it was under, knowing that there is a logical explanation of why you behave the way you do. We look forward to the post-surgery days that will give us a calmer, gentler, less psychotic Ryan.

I've seen the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", and know that there is hope for you yet. When this is over we will all happily be able to say "it was all in his head". `[]:-)

Your aunt Nikki and I pray every day for you and your family, and for your quick recovery. May God bless you with His love and companionship of the Holy Spirit as you deal with this. Take care.

- John Ray

Heidi said...

Ryan, Alisa and Demeree,
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your cute family have to go through this. What a scary thing! This is so wild that we are both going through this craziness at the same time, I think our street is cursed...Time to MOVE!! We are right there with you on finding things to boost Tommy's immune system, staying away from carcinogens, and eating lots of antioxidants. I'm sure there is more to what we on our end can do than the doctors think. You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. I truly believe that Tommy is in remission and they have killed his cancer due to everyone's prayers. It's all about faith and a positive attitude! Keep up with the positive attitude, and please let us know what we can do to help. We are happy to watch Demeree whenever she is healthy, Tom can plow your driveway, we can make you meals, ANYTHING!! We love you guys and wish the very best for you and your little family. Alisa, I am always here for you to talk to, vent, go running whatever you need ok.
The Hasleton's

Heidi said...

Ryan, Alisa and Demeree,
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your cute family have to go through this. What a scary thing! This is so wild that we are both going through this craziness at the same time, I think our street is cursed...Time to MOVE!! We are right there with you on finding things to boost Tommy's immune system, staying away from carcinogens, and eating lots of antioxidants. I'm sure there is more to what we on our end can do than the doctors think. You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. I truly believe that Tommy is in remission and they have killed his cancer due to everyone's prayers. It's all about faith and a positive attitude! Keep up with the positive attitude, and please let us know what we can do to help. We are happy to watch Demeree whenever she is healthy, Tom can plow your driveway, we can make you meals, ANYTHING!! We love you guys and wish the very best for you and your little family. Alisa, I am always here for you to talk to, vent, go running whatever you need ok.
The Hasleton's